The UAE is often referred to as the Silicon Valley of the Middle East for its tremendous growth in IT infrastructure. With the coming of ambitious start-ups and tech companies, it is supposedly one of the first countries to go completely digital.
It has always been a rapidly advancing economy in the Gulf region.
Advancement Of Digital Transformation
- It has never shown any signs of getting slow
- With the rapid introduction and deployment of advanced technologies and business strategies, it is a country to watch out for in the coming 5-10 years.
- The country has been quick to adapt to digital transformation and adopt advanced technologies.
- UAE is leading the Arab world in digital transformation, having ranked first amongst the Arab nations.
- They are placed 8th globally in the UN's Online Service Index (OSI) in 2020, according to reports published by UN EDGI covering 193 nations.
Digitalized Public Service
The UAE is the most advanced nation to have digitalized its public services, while the Dubai government is the first to become a 100% paperless government.
As Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Analytics, among other countries, play a crucial role in the way economies operate, UAE has already stepped on the accelerator.
The country’s National Digital Transformation Committee has created a digital strategy.
It is focused on offering all its citizens rapid internet connectivity and secure digital infrastructure by 2025.
The government is taking a lot of initiatives to modernize government agencies aimed at improving and improvising the effectiveness of government and customer services.
Putting Together All the Digital Aspects in a Single Place
The essential purpose of UAE’s digital strategy is to ingrain digital thinking into all government strategies.
To achieve this strategic digital government vision, all structures, capacities and opportunities are to be integrated nationally.
This innovative strategy is capable of offering world-class digital infrastructure for the country and offer a unified digital platform.
It can offer integrated, easy and rapid digital services based on the customers' needs.
It offers improvised and improved digital skills and capabilities of the population and raises government work efficiency.
This digital strategy can help the country achieve an ambitious growth plan in the next decade